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TriMix Injection Problems
Trimix Injection Issues
Trimix Injection Issues
You can actually inject improperly but still gets results, although the results are muted.
You can miss without even knowing! Remember, we are injecting a thin flimsy needle into a curved surface of tough dense connective tissue. It is easy to bend the needle, inject, and have the needle come back out straight.
The following are documented issues members have reported over time.
Failed Injection Symptoms
Symptom 1: Your results are dramatically different from last injection.
If your results were fine last time but not today
Symptom 2: If your erections take too long to begin (10+ minutes)
Longer times indicate the medication is being Absorbed into the cavernosa , Not Injected into it.
Typically Trimix beings to work in 3-5 minutes.
meaning , in 5 minutes or so, you should have an erection ready for intercourse.
Symptom 3: Lumpiness on the side
Injecting between the cavervnosa wall and the skin or into the cavernosa wall itself very common
You may still get an erection but not as firm or lasting as long as typical,
because the Trimix was absorbed into the cavernosum, not injected into it.
Symptom 4: Burning or stinging sensation
Stinging sensation at the injection that disappears shortly after injection (ie: not on going)
or does not happen everytime
Injection issues: the injection "Appears" to happen correctly but it has not.
These are all instances of the Trimix not being delivered into the cavernosum properly
Try a dramatically different injection site, far removed from the usual
The one'o'clock position may be best as the surface is not typically as curved and the is skin thinner.
Review All the Trimix Injection Best Practices, quite often something is being missed
Trimix Injection Best Practices
Use a 1/2 inch length needle - it's needed to reach all the way Into the cavernosa
Push needle completely flush to the skin
Must use a 90 degree angle to avoid bending the needle.
You are injecting at a right angle to a curved surface of dense connective tissue - it is easy to bend & miss without knowing.
Point needle to the center, not up or down
Alternate sides of injection to avoid scaring tissue
Lay your penis flat out and fully extended (but soft)
Avoid veins
Target the area 1 inch up from the base between 1 to 3 o'clock ( or 9 to 11)
Work the plunger a few times before filling syringe to insure it is not sticky
- Don't force the plunger. If it is really difficult to push, then you should start over making sure the needle is in properly
Trimix Dosing
The typical average recommended dose is 20 units (.2ml)
, patients often use more and/or less for their individual needs.
Initial Use: use 1/2 (.1ml or 10 units) of the typical dose...just help gauge your requirements
It is recommended to skip a day between usage. ie: not more than every other day
How to Inject Trimix
Compliments of the Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco
Filling the syringe, Pull the plunger down to the 1.0 cc mark (drawing in air) and then push the needle through the rubber stopper. Depress plunger, pushing the air into the vial before withdrawing the medication.
This makes withdrawing the medication easier by relieving an air vacuum
Where to Inject. Aim for the Corpora Cavernosa (as shown)
Avoid veins
1 inch up from the base
Angle to the Center

Where to Inject Trimix
Inject one inch up from the base - between 1 - 3 or 9 - 11 o'clock
Needle MUST be angled properly to the center of the penis as shown.
Use a 1/2 inch long needle to reach all the way into the Corpora Cavernosa

Q) What should I feel when I inject?
A) Very light discomfort, as there are few nerve endings for pain in this area. The needle should be pushed firmly until it is fully in the penis, slight resistance may be felt.
If a lot of resistance is felt on the plunger then you may need to withdraw the needle and reinsert it in another suggested place. The plunger should depress quite easily. Do not inject if the resistance is strong.
Q) If I don't get any response to an injection can I follow up with another injection maybe to a different side of the penis and perhaps using a smaller dose?
A) Not recommended, as the first injection went somewhere, and will be absorbed. A second dose may have a cumulative affect resulting in too much medication. The next time you inject (on another day) do it on the other side of the penis.
Q) What's the best way to hold the penis for the injections?
A) Ideally you need a flat surface to inject (minimal wrinkles) you may wish to pull the penis to full length and let it relax and then inject.
Trimix Auto-Injectors
Also available are injectors that allow a user to press a pen-like device up to their skin,
press a button and it will automatically insert needle and medication for you.
Some users like this, some do not as one loses active control of pressure of the needle and to a degree the depth of the injection. Auto-injectors are used for a large variety of medications and injection sites (tummy, thigh, etc...)
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